The Late Show by Michael Connelly introduces readers to Detective Renée Ballard, a fierce and determined officer in the LAPD who works the night shift, known as the “Late Show.” Struggling with her own past traumas and the complexities of her career, Ballard is committed to seeking justice for the victims that others overlook.
When she stumbles upon a brutal double homicide, she becomes embroiled in a case that uncovers a web of corruption and deceit. As she investigates, she discovers connections to a mysterious figure known as the “Night Owl,” a criminal mastermind involved in a series of unsolved crimes. Driven by her relentless pursuit of truth, Ballard must navigate the challenges of the police department, where her dedication is often met with resistance.
Connelly masterfully crafts a suspenseful narrative that blends elements of crime, mystery, and personal struggle, showcasing Ballard’s resilience and determination to make a difference in a flawed system. The Late Show is a thrilling debut in a new series, highlighting the intricacies of law enforcement and the complexities of the human spirit.
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